Sanur in February 2002 Photo: Konopka
Sanur 1999 Photo: Pernat
Transition from the beach to the mangrove swamp, Sanur, 1999
Tuban at low tide, 1997, the airfield in the background
Beach between Kuta and Tuban, 1999
Kuta beach on the weekend before sundown, 1999
Soka, west of Tabanan, 1999
Anturan/Lovina in February 2002 - Photo: Konopka
Fishermen in Anturan/Lovina, 1997
Lovina 1999 Photo: Pernat
Fishing boats in Amed, 1999
Coast at Ujung/Amlapura 1999
Pasir Putih east of Candi Dasa, February 2001
One more pic of the White Sand Beach Pasir Putih
Blue Lagoon near Padang Bai, February 2001
One more pic of the Blue Lagoon, February 2001
View from the beach to the Blue Lagoon, February 2002
Bias Tugel near Padang Bai, February 2002
Bias Tugel 1999 Photo: Pernat
Black Sand Beach west of Padang Bai, February 2002
Sea Bindweed, Black Sand Beach, Padang Bai, 2002